I should probably also mention i remember my dreams almost every time I sleep (I would say every night, but I hardly sleep at night atmore, at least not during what would traditionally be considered the "night hours")
I have had a few really good drems while I have been home--the kind that make you really happy and make you know it's going to be a great day. The kind that make you know you're on the right path and that maybe it's not just wishful thinking. The kind that wake waking life make sense. I will exclude these however, because I feel their details will not fade and they have grown near enough to my heart that I don't wish them to be common knowledge.
I think the dream I had last night was a mix up of scenes from the perks of being a wall flower, ideals from eat pray love, and all of my hopes and wishes for the next 18 and some odd months of my life. Those were the books i was reading until i finally fell asleep somewhere around 5 am, and summer and the semesters after are all I have been able to think about lately. Life is getting very exciting.
In my dream last night I went to a theater to see a movie--I don't remember which movie it was, or if it was even a real movie but I do remember that the theater was a grand, it had pillars and fabric on the walls and balconies. And it was huge, even collosal. Everyone i knew was there, seriously everyone. Even the missionaries. I wandered back to a place I felt like sitting it, and found that i was not without company even though I had gone to the theater that way.
The boy sitting behind me was so-and-so from such-and-such place, neither of which i can remember now--or actually had probably ever heard of--but it made so much sense at the time. I must have known him becuase I went back a row and sat beside him. I also think we must have been really close because it was a rather emotional reunion, and he put his arm around me. I think maybe we had dated previously.
Im not sure if the next chapter was the same dream, a different story, or both, but it seemed significant to me in a similar way.
I was at a boarding school, I think, somewhere in europe with some mates. It feels like I should call them mates, not friends because of the nature of the dream. We were silly and giddy as girls ofter are in exciting new places and on exciting new adventures. I remember how excited we were to shave and shower and brush our teeth for the first time in a new city.
I also remember a boy, I don't think he was a boy i actually know, maybe some sort of embodiment of all the things I've liked about all the boys I've know? Something like that.
He just felt really safe, like home. We had some sort of connection that was real and deep. I don't remember his name, but for some reason calling him "Broden" seems right. I do not remember that or wish that to actually be his name, but it will work for now. Broden was either my roommate, or just in the room while I was unpacking and setting up for a semester abroad. I think the latter deserves it's day in the sun due to the fact that I honor it, and the fact that i had just read the last few letters of the perks of being a wall flower, including one of my favorite letters. The one about charlie helping Sam pack for school. Broden was smart, and gentle, and knew how to recover and fix my books when I though super gluing them to a cork-board would be a good storage place for them. (Honestly, dreams can be so weird) These books I had I'm pretty sure are not real books, I defiantly hadn't heard of them before, but i loved them still the same. They were real to me.
At the end we were at a big assembly outside on steps, like those big political addresses in movies. It was weird though because me and Broden were the ones on stage, and he had something really important to say, but I think i woke up before he said it, or I just don't remember.